
Is it a doll, is it a soft toy? It’s my Baby Tumble
This squishy Baby Tumble soft doll is an adorable, huggable, cute toy with a pretty face and a soft body. She’s a perfect bedtime buddy 😊 But that is not all, she tumbles HEAD-OVER-HEELS!! Literally and she doesn’t even need batteries!! You just position the doll with her head tilted forward on the floor and watch her do the magic alone 😊 what’s cuter than that!!

My baby tumbles can even encourage your littles ones for some fun activities. She comes wearing an animal print onesie in pink colour and is so affordable, what can you buy with 15 GBP nowadays!
I simply love this doll, in every squishy way!
Suitable for ages 2+
Price: GBP 15 from The Entertainer (without shipping)
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