Teah the Koala
Please meet our third pet from the Kindi Kids Show ‘n’ tell Pets … Teah the Koala! Teah is Bella Bow‘s pet friend and they can’t wait to show you what they can do.

Teah the Koala likes to wake up with a sip of tea, in fact if you place her Shopkins teacup near her mouth, she immediately opens her eyes. Also, she likes to go to sleep with a stroke on her head. Teah also loves cuddles, like the other 2 pets we have meet earlier this month – Marlo the Bunny and Caterina the Kitten.

This cute little koala comes in vibrant green to match her guardian’s hair, whilst her pretty little bow on her head, is similar to what Bella Bow wears. They are both so adorable, this twosome take this collection to another level. We can’t get enough of these Kindi Kids and we can’t wait for more new additions!!
In the meantime, don’t forget that you can always catch Teah and her friends on their YouTube channel.
Suitable for ages 3 years +
Price EUR 13.99 locally – check from Electroit if available or GBP 10 from The Entertainer excluding delivery charges.